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Sl. No. Category Corrigendum/Order/Notification-Circular/Transfer-Promotion No. Subject/Reference Published Date Download
841 Order Works No. 415 (3) E/E-III/1B-01/2013 Allotment of Fund to meet up expenditure towards Establishment Charges during the financial year 2013-14 06/02/2014
842 Order Works No. 414 (3) E/E-III/1B-01/2013 Allotment of Fund to meet up expenditure towards Establishment Charges during the financial year 2013-14. 06/02/2014
843 Order Works No. 412 (3) E/E-IV/5A-07/ 2013 Re-appropriation of fund during the financial year 2013-14. 06/02/2014
844 Order Works No. 2663 (3)E/E-III/1B-01/2013 Allotment of fund for the period up to March 2014 of financial year 2013-14 for Salary Items and Up to December, 2014 for Non-Salary Items. 29/11/2013
845 Order Works Memo No. 2514/CE/PWD It is hereby informed to all S.E. of this Directorate that all materials like Steel, Cement, Bitumen etc. required for execution of any work as provided in the estimate of value 1 (one) crore or above shall be procured and supplied by the agency entrusted for the said work at their own cost. 05/08/2013
846 Order Works No.3748-ENC/2-12 Savings from the total L.O.C in respect of deductions on account of I.Tax, S.Tax/VAT and P.Tax 14/08/2012

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