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Sl. No. Category Corrigendum/Order/Notification-Circular/Transfer-Promotion No. Subject/Reference Published Date Download
201 Transfers/Promotions 1130-E Higher scale Assistant Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 08/05/2023
202 Order Admin 956-E Nominated as Members in the Technical Committee for Condemnation setup. 04/05/2023
203 Order Admin 954-PWD PWD Web-Site Monitoring and Data updation Committee. 04/05/2023
204 Order Admin 1116-E Recruitment of Surveyor and Draughtsman in various Directorates under PWD 04/05/2023
206 Transfers/Promotions 1102-E Corrigendum of Notification No. 31 dt. 02.05.2023 03/05/2023
207 Transfers/Promotions 1100-E Higher scale of Superintending Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 03/05/2023
208 Transfers/Promotions NOTIFICATION 32 Transfer of Executive Engineer (El) under PW Dte. 03/05/2023
209 Notifications/Circulars 1083-E Work Allotment of Additional Secretary, Joint Secretary, Deputy Secretary & Technical Secretary under PWD. 02/05/2023
210 Order Admin 1083-E Work Allotment of Additional Secretary, Joint Secretary, Deputy Secretary & Technical Secretary under PWD. 02/05/2023
211 Order Works 1083-E Work Allotment of Additional Secretary, Joint Secretary, Deputy Secretary & Technical Secretary under PWD. 02/05/2023
212 Transfers/Promotions NOTIFICATION 30 Posting on promotion from Assistant Engineer (C) to Executive Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 02/05/2023
213 Transfers/Promotions NOTIFICATION 31 Transfer of Executive Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 02/05/2023
214 Notifications/Circulars NOTIFICATION 29 Confirmation of Junior Engineer (El) under PW Dte. 27/04/2023
215 Transfers/Promotions 1045-E High scale of Superintending Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 27/04/2023
216 Transfers/Promotions NOTIFICATION 28 Higher scale of Assistant Engineer (El) under PW Dte. 27/04/2023
217 Transfers/Promotions 1049-E Higher scale of Superintending Engineer (El) under PW Dte. 27/04/2023
218 Transfers/Promotions 1034-E Additional charge of Partha Sarathi Dutta, EE (C), NH Wing, PW (R) Dte. 26/04/2023
219 Transfers/Promotions NOTIFICATION 27-E Transfer of Superintending Engineer (C) under PW Dte 26/04/2023
220 Transfers/Promotions 27 - E Transfer of two Superintending Engineers 26/04/2023

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